2023-03-22 17:00:14 +01:00
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"In Billbee Format umwandeln" : {
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2023-03-23 17:00:14 +01:00
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2023-03-22 17:00:14 +01:00
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2023-03-23 17:00:14 +01:00
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2023-03-22 17:00:14 +01:00
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"createdAt" : "2023-03-22T08:02:26.140Z" ,
2023-03-30 18:00:38 +02:00
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2023-03-22 17:00:14 +01:00
"name" : "Order API" ,
"nodes" : [
"parameters" : {
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"path" : "dropshipping/wk24" ,
"options" : { }
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"credentials" : {
"httpHeaderAuth" : {
"id" : "12" ,
"name" : "KEY-WK24"
} ,
"parameters" : {
"authentication" : "basicAuth" ,
"requestMethod" : "POST" ,
"url" : "https://app.billbee.io/api/v1/orders?shopId=97989" ,
"jsonParameters" : true ,
"options" : {
"fullResponse" : false
} ,
"bodyParametersJson" : "={{$json}}" ,
"headerParametersJson" : "={\n \"Content-Type\":\"application/json\",\n \"X-Billbee-Api-Key\":\"{{$node[\"Billbee ShopID + Token\"].json[\"X-Billbee-Api-Key\"]}}\"\n }"
} ,
"name" : "Bestellung an Billbee senden" ,
"type" : "n8n-nodes-base.httpRequest" ,
"typeVersion" : 1 ,
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"httpBasicAuth" : {
"id" : "2" ,
"name" : "Billbee"
} ,
"parameters" : {
"keepOnlySet" : true ,
"values" : {
"string" : [
"name" : "CreatedAt" ,
"value" : "={{ $today.toISODate()}}"
} ,
"name" : "=OrderNumber" ,
"value" : "={{$json[\"OrderId\"]}}"
} ,
"name" : "ShippingAddress.Street" ,
"value" : "={{$json[\"Street\"]}}"
} ,
"name" : "ShippingAddress.HouseNumber" ,
"value" : "={{$json[\"HouseNumber\"]}}"
} ,
"name" : "ShippingAddress.City" ,
"value" : "={{$json[\"City\"]}}"
} ,
"name" : "ShippingAddress.Zip" ,
"value" : "={{$json[\"Zip\"]}}"
} ,
"name" : "ShippingAddress.Country" ,
"value" : "={{$json[\"Country\"]}}"
} ,
"name" : "ShippingAddress.CountryISO2" ,
"value" : "={{$json[\"Country\"]}}"
} ,
"name" : "invoiceAddress.NameAddition" ,
"value" : "={{$json[\"Name\"]}}"
} ,
"name" : "OrderItems" ,
"value" : "={{$jmespath($json.OrderItems, \"[].{Product: {SKU: sku}, Quantity: quantity}\")}}"
} ,
"name" : "Customer.Name" ,
"value" : "Weltkarten24.com"
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"number" : [
"name" : "PaymentMethod" ,
"value" : 26
} ,
"name" : "Customer.Id" ,
"value" : 73771747
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"name" : "State" ,
"value" : 3
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"typeVersion" : 1 ,
"position" : [
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} ,
"parameters" : {
"jsCode" : "let orders = [];\n\nfunction splitAddress(addressString) {\n const result = { Street: null, HouseNumber: null };\n\n const regex = /^([^\\d]+)\\s*([\\d]+[a-zA-Z]?)/i;\n\n const match = addressString.match(regex);\n\n if (match) {\n result.Street = match[1].trim();\n result.HouseNumber = match[2].trim();\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction countryToIsoCode(countryName) {\n const countryCodes = {\n \"Austria\": \"AT\",\n \"Germany\": \"DE\"\n };\n\n return countryCodes[countryName] || null;\n}\n\nfor (const rawOrder of $input.first().json.body) {\n order = splitAddress(rawOrder.street);\n order.Zip = rawOrder.zip,\n order.City = rawOrder.city,\n order.Name = rawOrder.name,\n order.Phone = rawOrder.phone,\n order.Country = countryToIsoCode(rawOrder.country),\n order.OrderId = rawOrder.orderid,\n order.OrderItems = rawOrder.items,\n orders.push(order);\n}\nreturn orders;"
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"name" : "Bestellungen" ,
"type" : "n8n-nodes-base.code" ,
"typeVersion" : 1 ,
"position" : [
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} ,
"parameters" : {
"authentication" : "headerAuth" ,
"endpoint" : "https://lana-kk.myshopify.com/admin/api/2022-01/graphql.json" ,
"query" : "={ \n inventoryItems(first:1, query:\"sku:{{$json[\"sku\"]}}\") {\n edges{\n node{\n sku\n variant {\n price\n compareAtPrice \n }\n }\n }\n }\n}"
} ,
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"type" : "n8n-nodes-base.graphql" ,
"typeVersion" : 1 ,
"position" : [
180 ,
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"credentials" : {
"httpHeaderAuth" : {
"id" : "14" ,
"name" : "Shopify lanakk.com"
} ,
"parameters" : {
"jsCode" : "let OrderItems = [];\nfor (const item of $input.all()) {\n for (const OrderItem of item.json.OrderItems) {\n OrderItems.push(OrderItem);\n }\n}\nreturn OrderItems;"
} ,
"id" : "b6c4cd4d-6e50-4435-9bf3-b546ad160b9c" ,
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"type" : "n8n-nodes-base.code" ,
"typeVersion" : 1 ,
"position" : [
0 ,
} ,
"parameters" : {
2023-03-23 17:00:14 +01:00
"jsCode" : "// Loop over input items and add a new field\n// called 'myNewField' to the JSON of each one\nlet foo = $('Item Lists').all();\nconsole.log(foo);\nfor (const item of $input.all()) {\n item.json.myNewField = 1;\n}\n\nreturn $input.all();"
} ,
"id" : "0b594c83-c0d3-4b76-8f31-d0820fbadf18" ,
"name" : "Code2" ,
"type" : "n8n-nodes-base.code" ,
"typeVersion" : 1 ,
"position" : [
200 ,
} ,
"parameters" : {
"jsCode" : "let OrderItems;\n\nfor (const item of $input.all()) {\n\n let compareAtPrice = item.json.data.inventoryItems.edges[0].node.variant.compareAtPrice;\n let currentPrice = item.json.data.inventoryItems.edges[0].node.variant.price;\n\n let OrderItem = {};\n \n let sku = item.json.data.inventoryItems.edges[0].node.sku;\n if (compareAtPrice) {\n\n OrderItems.OrderItem[sku] = compareAtPrice;\n\n } else {\n\n OrderItems.OrderItem[sku] = currentPrice;\n\n }\n console.log(OrderItem)\n}\nreturn OrderItems;"
2023-03-22 17:00:14 +01:00
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"id" : "0456066b-24ec-4e23-8a24-fbf31ea465ce" ,
2023-03-23 17:00:14 +01:00
"name" : "Set Price" ,
2023-03-22 17:00:14 +01:00
"type" : "n8n-nodes-base.code" ,
"typeVersion" : 1 ,
"position" : [
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2023-03-23 17:00:14 +01:00
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"parameters" : {
"operation" : "aggregateItems" ,
"aggregate" : "aggregateAllItemData"
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"type" : "n8n-nodes-base.itemLists" ,
"typeVersion" : 1 ,
"position" : [
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2023-03-22 17:00:14 +01:00
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"settings" : { } ,
"staticData" : null ,
"tags" : [ ] ,
2023-03-30 18:00:38 +02:00
"triggerCount" : 0 ,
"updatedAt" : "2023-03-23T05:26:17.199Z" ,
"versionId" : null
2023-03-22 17:00:14 +01:00